Jun 26, 2023
The discuss the upcoming PCA and some boutique cigars. Could PCA go to New Orleans in 2025? They enjoy the Ramone Bueso Exclusivo and Middle West Oloroso Wheat Whiskey.
Jun 19, 2023
Brandon of Big Sky Cigar Co discusses their PCA release coming up in July. They smoke last years stunning success, The Cryptid, and drink some of Acres Matthew Mc D’s Straight malt whiskey.
Jun 12, 2023
They discuss the article Scientists develop a 'cosmic concrete' that is twice as strong as regular concrete -- ScienceDaily. This is an attempt to find methods to create cement structures on moons and planets. Interresting results and binding agents.
They smoke the Alec Bradley White Gold and drink the Bolivar 8 year...
Jun 5, 2023
They smoke the Matilde Limited Exposure #2 and drink Iron Root’s Saints Alley Heretic finished in Rhum casks. They discuss recent studies on grind size vs extraction and found the reason that the finest grind results in less extraction. Is it a big deal, probably not, but we love science and greater understanding of...