Jun 30, 2022
They do a 'better know your distiller' segment for Russell's Reserve. They smoke the Victor Sinclair Vintage Select and drink some Russell’s Reserve 10 YO Straight Bourbon Whiskey. Then cover a very colorfully written article about the Grand Canyon.
Jun 27, 2022
Today they discuss the reclemation of gold and other valuable metals using the pigment Prussian Blue. Darrell beats him drum again about how we'll be mining landfills in the future. They get a little too techie for a bit, but don't worry, it passes. They enjoy the 601 Oscuro with Bacoo 12 YO Dominican Rum.
Jun 23, 2022
They discuss micro plastics and how you can have clean drinking water. They enjoy the HC Series White CT Shade grown with a Jack Daniels vs Jack Daniels Bottle in Bond compare.
Jun 20, 2022
This week they discuss Google LaMDA and our interraction with AI. They enjoy the Opus X 20 Year Anniversary sipping Weller Antique 107. They talk a little about programming.
Jun 16, 2022
They discuss some research into making cement from food waste. They enjoy the Principle Accomplice and Jack Bottle and Bond. They trail off on power grid discussion. Solar vs Fusion and a little water conservation while they're at it. So distracted.