Apr 24, 2023
Darrell is back in the market for yet another car. They smoke the Perdomo Bourbon Barrel-Aged Maduro Habano with Angostura 7YO Caribbean Rum. They talk about the blind tasting at the Perdomo factory. We wrap up with a little work...
Apr 17, 2023
They discuss luke cold, odd phrases and then turns into AI discussion and marshmallow test. With it they enjoy the CAO Steel Horse brown label with Swift Single malt aged in bourbon and French sauternes casks. They try another Old Fashion and and talk about Darrells sons Boy Scout Eagle project. They talk about how...
Apr 10, 2023
They discuss the rules, prizes, thoughts and times they've seen in the Cigar Smoking World Championship. It's an interresting competition and it might be fun to try. It's sponsored by Rocky Patel and Darrell and Bill have a Rocky Patel 15 Year with some Bank Street Kentucky Straigtht Bourbon Whiskey.
Apr 3, 2023
Bill relates to us highlights from his trip to India. The discuss travel and work a little bit and they smoke a cigar he found in Cigar Conexion in Bangalore.
They've also picked up a bottle of Old Monk Legend to do a head to head comparison of the two Old Monk offereings.